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Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between ~ Jesus in the Lotus is a wonderful book for anyone who is disgruntled with his church has tried yoga and other spiritual practices but is still dissatisfied Paul lays out in very clear terms how you can be a Christian and be spiritually nourished by another faith tradition in his case Yoga with a capital Y not yoga the physical pratice most people know about
Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between ~ Today there is a universal hunger for a new vision that unites and connects us all without which there may not be a future for humanity Paul’s Jesus in the Lotus is an adamantine gem shedding light on the darkness of divisiveness” — Larry Dossey MD author of Healing Words From the Publisher
Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between ~ Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between Christianity and Yogic Spirituality Drawing on a deep knowledge of Christian scripture as well as Hindu philosophy musician and teacher Russill Paul reveals that the mystical core of religion offers us much more than the simple solace of unthinking dogma
Harmonist Review Jesus in the Lotus ~ The accessible wisdom of Jesus in the Lotus is similar to that found in The Mystic Heart One comes away from this new book believing that Paul is a worthy successor to Bede Griffiths and Wayne Teasdale—two mystics who had such a lasting influence on him
The Lotus and the Cross Jesus Talks With Buddha ~ Jesus and Buddha cannot both be right The lotus is the symbol of Buddhism the cross the symbol of the Christian faith Behind the two symbols stand two diametrically opposed beliefs I ask you the reader to examine the message of each using both your heart and your mind
Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between ~ Jesus in the Lotus The Mystical Doorway Between Christianity and Yogic Spirituality by Russill Paul 2009 Paperback
PDF The Lotus and the Cross Jesus Talks with Buddha ~ Some of the techniques listed in The Lotus and the Cross Jesus Talks with Buddha may require a sound knowledge of Hypnosis users are advised to either leave those sections or must have a basic understanding of the subject before practicing them
The Lotus and the Cross Jesus Talks with Buddha Great ~ In that sense at least I trust I have presented the ideas fairly and subjected them to scrutiny Many of those I talked with will be reading this and I look forward to their responses Jesus and Buddha cannot both be right The lotus is the symbol of Buddhism the cross the symbol of the Christian faith
Job and the Lotus Plant God as a Gardener ~ The Bible information on the lotus plant is sketchy it grows in marshes and streams and the plant grows large enough to cover and conceal the behemoth The MidEastern lotus is the Nelumbo nucifera also called the sacred lotus The lotuses presence has been documented for some 5000 years The N nucifera is an aquatic perennial
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