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The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses The Facts On Series ~ The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses The Facts On Series John Ankerberg John Weldon Dillon Burroughs on FREE shipping on qualifying offers John Ankerberg John Weldon and Dillon Burroughs team up to revise and update The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses
The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses Revised and Updated ~ John Ankerberg John Weldon and Dillon Burroughs team up to revise and update The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses part of the popular Facts On Series more than 19 million copies of books from this series sold Known for their extensive research and Bible knowledge these authors offer readers the essential facts they need to evaluate and discuss todays issues regarding the Jehovahs Witnesses a religious organization and the Watchtower Society
The Facts About Jehovah’s Witnesses ~ Jehovah’s Witnesses are creationists Jehovah’s Witnesses do not believe in doctors Jehovah’s Witnesses accept the entire Bible Jehovah’s Witnesses use only their own Bible translation Jehovah’s Witnesses changed their Bible to fit their beliefs Jehovah’s Witnesses shun community involvement Jehovah’s Witnesses look down on people of other religions
The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses book by John ~ Buy a cheap copy of The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses book by John Ankerberg John Ankerberg John Weldon and Dillon Burroughs team up to revise and update The Facts on Jehovahs Witnesses part of the popular Facts On Series more than Free shipping over 10
10 Facts About the Jehovah’s Witness You Never Knew ~ What follows are ten facts about Jehovah’s Witnesses you never knew 10 They Will Not Take Blood Transfusions Jehovahs Witnesses will reject any and all blood transfusions interpreting the act as an infraction on Gods law In fact since 1961 followers who accept transfusions are liable for expulsion from the church
Jehovahs Witnesses 17 Facts People Should Know About ~ Jehovahs Witnesses 17 Facts People Should Know About Them by Efrankbblogf 953pm On Nov 07 2015 Jehovahs Witnesses are often mistaken to be something else Some say it a secret cult while others believe something else And proudly to tell you my readers that Im one of Jehovahs Witnesses
Jehovahs Witnesses Facts About Their Beliefs The ~ Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that they are duty bound to preach door to door about the impending end of the world in order to avoid being held “blood guilty” by Jehovah at Armageddon They believe that if they fail to “witness” to others about the need to convert to their faith
Who Are Jehovah’s Witnesses About Jehovah ~ Jehovah’s Witnesses honor Jehovah the God of the Bible and the Creator of all things They are Christians who do their best to follow the example of Jesus Christ Find out more about Jehovah’s Witnesses
Jehovahs Witnesses ReligionFacts ~ The group now known as the Jehovahs Witnesses was founded in 1879 by Charles Taze Russell a Pennsylvania businessman Russells Adventist background and study of the Bible led him to conclude among other things that the second coming of Christ would occur in 1914 that Hellfire did not exist and God was not a Trinity
Jehovahs Witnesses 10 Things to Know About Their Beliefs ~ Jehovahs Witnesses hold the controversial view of rejecting blood transfusions even in life or death situations Recently Russia banned Jehovahs Witnesses and this issue was one of the reasons stated for their doing so
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