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CHURCH FATHERS On the Resurrection of the Flesh Tertullian ~ Being thus refuted touching God as the Creator and Christ as the Redeemer of the flesh they will at once be defeated also on the resurrection of the flesh No procedure indeed can be more reasonable And we affirm that controversy with heretics should in most cases be conducted in this way For due method requires that conclusions should
I the Resurrection of the Flesh Christian ~ The use of the perfect participle “has come” implies that Jesus came in the flesh in the past and He remained in the flesh when John penned these words after the Resurrection In the parallel passage 2 John 7 John used the present tense warning against those “who do not acknowledge Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh”
The Resurrection of the Flesh PreteristCentral ~ The Resurrection of the Flesh Kurt Simmons The resurrection of the dead is a question fraught with difficulty for many Preterists maintain that the resurrection was and is nonphysical consisting in the spirit not the body of man
On the Resurrection of the Flesh Tertullian ~ On the Resurrection of the FleshThe heretics against whom this work is directed were the same who maintained that the demiurge or the god who created this world and gave the Mosaic dispensation was opposed to the supreme God
Of the Resurrection of the Flesh which Some Refuse to ~ Of the Resurrection of the Flesh which Some Refuse to Believe Though the World at Large Believes It City of God — St Augustine But granting that this was once incredible behold now the world has come to the belief that the earthly body of Christ was received up into heaven
Resurrection of the dead Wikipedia ~ The concept of resurrection of the physical body is found in 2 Maccabees according to which it will happen through recreation of the flesh Resurrection of the dead also appears in detail in the extracanonical books of Enoch in Apocalypse of Baruch and 2 Esdras
Signorelli Luca The Resurrection of the Flesh c1500 ~ It is one of St Pauls most spinetingling passages Behold I tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed – in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last
What the Early Church Believed Resurrection of the Body ~ “As for those who profess to be Christians and who confess the resurrection of the dead of our body and of the body of the Lord but who at the same time say that the same flesh does not rise but other flesh is given in its place by God are we not to say that this opinion exceeds all others in impiety” The Man WellAnchored
Resurrection Wikipedia ~ The concept of resurrection of the physical body is found in 2 Maccabees according to which it will happen through recreation of the flesh Resurrection of the dead also appears in detail in the extracanonical books of Enoch 27 in Apocalypse of Baruch 28 and 2 Esdras
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