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Folly Definition of Folly by MerriamWebster ~ the folly of driving fast on steep winding roads his folly in thinking that he would not be noticed The folly of such an action should be apparent to everyone the follies of the modern world the famous Ziegfeld Follies of the 1920s
Folly Definition of Folly at ~ Folly definition the state or quality of being foolish lack of understanding or sense See more
Folly definition of folly by The Free Dictionary ~ Senor Squire said Sancho a man in a swoon has been known to be buried before now in the belief that he was dead and it struck me that Queen Maguncia ought to have swooned rather than died because with life a great many things come right and the princesss folly was not so great that she need feel it so keenly
FOLLY meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary ~ folly noun STUPIDITY the fact of being stupid or a stupid action idea etc to infinitive It would be folly for the country to become involved in the war folly noun BUILDING
Folly dictionary definition folly defined ~ Folly is defined as an act of foolishness or a lack of good sense An example of folly is someone intentionally stabbing their foot with a pitch fork An example of folly is building a hospital on an earthquake fault line YourDictionary definition and usage example
folly Dictionary Definition ~ Folly is a noun that means foolish or crazy behavior It would be folly to spend all night playing video games when you have a difficult exam the next day Folly comes from the Old French word folie meaning madness stupidity
Folly architecture Britannica ~ Folly from French folie “foolishness” also called Eyecatcher in architecture a costly generally nonfunctional building that was erected to enhance a natural landscape
Folly Synonyms Folly Antonyms ~ Synonyms for folly at with free online thesaurus antonyms and definitions Find descriptive alternatives for folly
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