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Snakehead fish Wikipedia ~ The snakeheads are members of the freshwater perciform fish family Channidae native to parts of Africa and Asia These elongated predatory fish are distinguished by their long dorsal fins large mouths and shiny teeth They breathe air with gills which allows them to migrate short distances over land
Northern Snakehead National Invasive Species Information ~ The Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division confirmed someone found a northern snakehead in early October in a pond on private property in Gwinnett County marking the first time the invasive fish has been found in the state
What are snakeheads USGS ~ Snakeheads are airbreathing freshwater fishes that are not native to North America In scientific terms snakeheads are divided into two distinct genera Channa snakeheads of Asia Malaysia and Indonesia
Snakehead Fish Invasive Predators in North America ~ What Is a Snakehead Snakeheads are predatory fish that have some surprising characteristics The giant snakehead is a voracious predator with sharp teeth a large mouth and strong jaws Its been called a frankenfish due to its aggressive reputation
Snakehead IMDb ~ Directed by Evan Jackson Leong With Celia Au Shuya Chang Jolie Chan Jamie Choi A Chinese immigrant get caught up in an international crime ring of human smuggling while attempting to make a better life for her family
Snakehead fish discovered in Georgia sparks warning from ~ The northern snakehead native to China has Georgia wildlife officials alarmed about its presence in a pond An invasive fish species has been spotted in Georgia — and wildlife officials
A Guide to the Invasive Snakehead Fish ~ The snakehead Channa or Parachanna sp is a nonnative airbreathing freshwater fish that is regarded by fisheries scientists as an invasive species due to the fact that it can potentially threaten native species and native ecosystems much the way nonnative carp have disrupted native populations in some waters
Snakeheads Northern Snakehead MDC Discover Nature ~ Snakeheads are native to Asia and invasive in America They resemble bowfins and can live in similar habitats Note the extended anal fin and the pelvic fins located near the pectoral fins and gills
Northern Snakehead Department of Natural Resources ~ The northern snakehead Channa argus is a native of the Yangtze River basin in China It can reach over 33 inches in length and tolerate a wide range of temperatures 3285°F This fish prefers stagnant shallow pondsswamps or slow moving streams and rivers with mud substrate and aquatic vegetation
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