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The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels ~ The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas 1st Edition by Ismo Dunderberg Author › Visit Amazons Ismo Dunderberg Page Find all the books read about the author and more See search results for this author Are you an author
The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels ~ The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas Kindle edition by Ismo Dunderberg Download it once and read it on your Kindle device PC phones or tablets Use features like bookmarks note taking and highlighting while reading The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas
Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of ~ The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas Ismo Dunderberg Abstract The relationship between the Gospel of John and the Gospel of Thomas has become a hotly debated issue with several scholars arguing that John and Thomas are gospels in conflict The first part of this book argues that the two gospels were
The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels ~ Ismo Dunderberg challenges these views arguing that the two gospels were written at about the same time but without knowledge of each other He also offers a thorough discussion of the identity and functions of the enigmatic Beloved Disciple in the Gospel of John throwing new light on this figure by comparing it to other beloved disciples
The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels ~ Was the Gospel of John written in critical response to the Gospel of Thomas an early collection of Jesuss sayings Or was it directed to the Christians among whom Thomas originated Ismo Dunderberg challenges these views arguing that the two gospels were written at about the same time but without knowledge of each other He also offers a thorough discussion of the identity and functions of
The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Ismo Dunderberg ~ The Beloved Disciple in Conflict Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas Ismo Dunderberg Examines critically various early Christian texts and makes them fruitful for the study of the New Testament Assesses current theories about these texts and also makes new suggestions Takes account of the wider context of early Jewish and Christian
The beloved disciple in conflict revisiting the Gospels ~ Get this from a library The beloved disciple in conflict revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas Ismo Dunderberg Oxford University Press Was the Gospel of John written in critical response to the Gospel of Thomas an early collection of Jesuss sayings Or was it directed to the Christians among whom Thomas originated The author
The Beloved Disciple in conflict revisiting the Gospels ~ Get this from a library The Beloved Disciple in conflict revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas Ismo Dunderberg Was the Gospel of John written in critical response to the Gospel of Thomas an early collection of Jesuss sayings Or was it directed to the Christians among whom Thomas originated Ismo Dunderberg
THE BELOVED DISCIPLE IN CONFLICT ~ Ismo Dunderberg ‘Thomas’ ISayings and the Gospel of John’ and ‘Thomas and the Beloved Disciple’ Published originally in Thomas at the Crossroads Edited by Risto Uro Edinburgh T T Clark 1998 33–88 All quotations from the Gospel of Thomas and the biblical texts are my own translations unless otherwise noted
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